Surviving the Holidays in 2022 – Part 4 – December 30

Today’s episode ends this year’s series about how to survive the holiday season, hosted by Maria while Sarah is off celebrating her wedding. Last episode, the conversation revolved around where you spend your energy and where you channel your focus. This time around,...

Surviving the Holidays in 2022 – Part 3 – December 27

Maria is continuing on from the last episode to talk more about surviving the holidays while Sarah is off celebrating her wedding. The tips shared throughout this series build off one another to help you navigate the holidays. You don’t need to explore them in a...

Surviving the Holidays in 2022 – Part 2 – December 20

While Sarah is away celebrating her wedding, Maria is continuing to pass on her experience about handling stress during the holidays. Remember, the rules you have around how it’s “supposed to be” are thought created. You are not inferior, unhealthy, or lacking in any...

Surviving the Holidays in 2022 – Part 1 – December 13

Today, Maria is flying solo while Sarah takes a break to celebrate her wedding. Maria is taking this time to talk about something especially significant to her clients right now: surviving the holidays. This can be a difficult time for so many people, whether that has...

Choosing Acceptance During the Holiday Season

The holidays are just around the corner, and while they are a time of joy, they can also bring on anxiety and distress—especially if you are struggling in your relationship with food. In this episode, Sarah and Maria share their personal experiences in handling...