Why Doing Nothing Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Trying

It isn’t easy to take a step back and feel like you’re doing “nothing,” especially when you’re struggling in your relationship with food. But the truth is, doing nothing doesn’t mean you’re not trying—it simply means you’re not spending your energy on things you can’t...

Why You Can Stop Thinking About Managing Weight

This episode is the third episode in a series about shame. The mind is programmed to enjoy starting something new—like a new diet or a new regime—which can get in the way of allowing us to just be. Our minds have a tendency to make managing weight more important than...

Why It’s Okay to Accept Shame

Today we’re continuing our conversation that we began last week about shame. Practicing acceptance around difficult emotions like shame doesn’t mean you have to be okay with it or happy about it. Acceptance is just the experience of being with something without...