This episode continues on with our exploration of acceptance. Specifically, the stickiness that exists in the space between acknowledging that acceptance is the destination, and the confusion behind how to actually get there. This is not something you do once, but rather an ongoing challenge to face on a daily basis.

What do you do in the process to move toward acceptance of the weight you are at; of the body you are in? How do you move toward the goal? It can be frustrating or discouraging to navigate the space in between. Once you learn the tools to help you move forward, you can endure the emotions that come up and then let things go to let things flow.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Why acceptance does not equal complacency or happiness.
  • Learning to create space for whatever is right now.
  • The value in embracing the messiness.
  • How shame and guilt hold you back from acceptance.
  • Acknowledging it’s okay not to be okay.
  • Opening up to what the moment offers you.
  • Where the struggle really comes from.
  • Understanding all emotions are a part of the human experience.
  • Using curiosity as a pathway to continue forward.
  • Why your habits create a mind that is quick to judge.
  • How your mind is trying to protect you.
  • Recognizing the agency that we have over our behaviors.
  • What to do when your mind jumps into high gear.
  • How overanalyzing your experiences keeps you stuck.


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