What shows up for you when you hear the word “spiritual?” The answer might be different for everyone, but relating it to the unknown may resonate with you. It might even spark curiosity. From a more scientific perspective, spirituality can even be described as energy.

In a world that is (from a spiritual perspective) hardly known, you can’t truly get anything wrong or right. Whether you call it spirituality or simply the unknown, just being in this place of being okay with not knowing is so powerful.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Why it’s important to be open to what you don’t know when experiencing life.
  • The comfort you can find in community.
  • How spirituality relates to curiosity.
  • Asking questions about why we’re here as humans.
  • The interesting idea of understanding the intangible energy that drives life.
  • What it may look like to accept not knowing.
  • What is revealed when we’re stripped down to the deepest layer of ourselves.
  • How getting outside of your own head can bring new shifts and insights.
  • Why you should try new things without a tangible end goal.
  • How spirituality is a space, and how the space can talk to you.
  • How quieting your mind can help you know yourself.
  • Why there is no right and wrong in discussing spirituality.
  • The tendency for change to arrive when you’re not looking for it.
  • The importance of putting energy into what’s important to you right now.
  • What improving our mind’s intellect actually does.


Sarah’s website: www.wellofbeing.co.uk

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