Acceptance – Part Three

This episode continues on with our exploration of acceptance. Specifically, the stickiness that exists in the space between acknowledging that acceptance is the destination, and the confusion behind how to actually get there. This is not something you do once, but...

Acceptance – Part Two

We’re continuing the discussion from our previous episode about acceptance. Resisting change and the emotions that come with acceptance can lead to difficulty. Even if where we’re at right now isn’t where we truly feel we need to be, we also must understand that we...

Acceptance – Part One

Do you feel comfortable just letting things be as they are? That’s acceptance, and the reality is it looks differently for everyone, especially in the face of chaos or change. When in unfamiliar or uncertain circumstances, you may feel a need to control external...

Zooming Out – Part Two

In this episode, we’re resuming the discussion from the last episode about zooming out. As we go through life, we feel like we need to control all of our circumstances. Yes, as humans, we have agency—but we also need to step back and realize life is happening, and so...

Zooming Out – Part One

Every once in a while, you’ll be reminded by some experience or event about what’s really important in life. This event may make you step back and realize that a lot of the struggles we have in our own lives aren’t as important as they sometimes feel. When we separate...