Today’s episode is part three of Maria’s appearance on Our Imperfect Life with Rob and Patricia. This time, we’ll be hearing about being stuck, how to overcome this phase, and finding your wisdom.

You don’t have to learn how to manage life – you can follow your wisdom. It’s different for everyone, so look inside yourself and ask where your wisdom comes from. This isn’t just about weight, it’s about becoming a more realized, true version of you.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Being in service to yourself and others.
  • The thought process that we commonly follow around food.
  • How to leave the emotional hang ups on food behind.
  • The stress surrounding food and how it impacts our health.
  • Diet culture and blame.
  • Being clear about where to create impact.
  • Finding the flow and equilibrium of life.
  • How Rob has been finding more whimsical and presence this week.
  • Our thoughts during the day and how many are dedicated to food.
  • Subconscious thoughts and their impact, along with the pressure to be “normal.”
  • Why you should stop standing at the fridge and staring.
  • Eating with intuition.
  • Quieting the thoughts to hear your body’s true needs.
  • Seeing through the marketing of food.
  • Getting over the ingrained societal pressure around food.
  • Knowing that you have your own internal guidance.
  • Finding your voice and being your own advocate.
  • Sharing love and gratefulness.
  • Accepting the ebb and flow of emotions and life.
  • What is truly important about the human experience?
  • Driving your own narrative and not being afraid to be your authentic self.

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