On this episode of Eat Girl Eat we’re starting with a high-energy and renewed sense of feeling problem-free. This isn’t something Maria and Sarah made happen, it’s just the way it happens to be. This idea becomes the perfect jumping off point for the episode.

We don’t always choose what we’ve been given in life, including what’s in our nature. So often, people feel compelled to work against who they are because they feel broken. What is really important is embracing your natural wiring and leaning into your strengths.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What Maria and Sarah need to acknowledge to help their clients.
  • The different ways brains are wired and how it can influence your relationship with food.
  • The type of lifestyle that helps Sarah feel at her best.
  • How the idea of being broken impacts people in their daily lives.
  • Why it’s important to embrace how you naturally want to show up.
  • Why justifying who you are is not necessary.
  • How food rules can actually get in the way of what your body needs.
  • What happens when you remove barriers and shame around eating.
  • How individual journeys toward food freedom can vary.
  • The part of your journey Sarah and Maria can help you with as coaches.
  • How eating disorders can be used as an outlet to speak.
  • The ways coaching can open you up to new perspectives and directions.
  • Who to surround yourself with when working to embrace your true self.
  • Why you don’t need to be good at everything.


Sarah’s website: www.wellofbeing.co.uk

Join the Food Freedom Formula: https://go.m-path.ca/foodfreedomformula