Do you ever find yourself making changes in your life in preparation for a future event, like a wedding or a birthday? It’s fairly common to do this. However, when we focus too intently on the future, we lose the connection we have with our body and its needs in the here and now.

When it comes to focusing on these future events, it’s easy to become obsessed with how much you will weigh. The truth is that the good conversations you have and the enjoyment of the event actually have nothing to do with your weight. Being as present as possible can help you notice ingrained messages and acknowledge you always have choice.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What we naturally lose when we put our focus on the future.
  • Different examples of why you might change your habits for the future you.
  • How to embrace the excitement life has right now.
  • How we gather internal stories from a snapshot picture.
  • The importance of acknowledging you are human.
  • Why the only reality we really have is the one that’s here now.
  • The tendency to think in black and white and how to open up to other choices.
  • What taking a step back and pausing can help you notice.
  • Why it’s helpful in a moment just to do nothing.
  • How to practice trust and letting your inner wisdom talk to you.
  • The situations we tend to learn the most from.
  • Experiencing life in the moment and how to get curious about that this week.


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