Today’s episode is our opportunity to unpack how and why we lose connection with our bodies. In our society, it’s common to use words and phrases like “body intuition” and “your body will tell you.” But when there is a loss of oneness with our bodies, these ideas don’t automatically apply to your individual experience.

While our body does know what it needs, the mind can cloud the communication. Our minds are time travelers, and they like to live in the past or the future. Our bodies can only exist in the present, and it’s important to stop and live in the present moment with the body. Our bodies deserve care and compassion, and connecting is treating yourself as you would a loved one.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How to stop focusing on false narratives that you create.
  • What it means to enjoy and accept the present moment.
  • What happens when we bury our feelings.
  • Why it’s important to give yourself permission and patience.
  • The power of remembering who you are.
  • Why we should all avoid identifying with the stories our brains tell us.
  • Acknowledging health issues that impact the connection between body and mind.
  • Using your values as a guidepost.
  • Identifying what’s important in the here and now.
  • What it means to connect to whatever is guiding you in life.
  • Accepting experiences as part of the journey.
  • When and why having a coach is beneficial.
  • Why setting realistic expectations for growth matters.
  • Having the courage to step into the unknown.
  • Remembering that we as humans are nature.


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