Let’s move on to episode two of the How to Eat series. This series is intended to help you gain a healthier relationship with your food and your body in a new way. It’s about answering questions that come up often for women dealing with their own food-related struggles and the many misunderstandings we have about our bodies and minds.

If you missed episode one, you’ll want to go back and start listening there. This second episode is all about approaching freedom in eating with an open mind, even if you’ve tried it before and feel like you’ve failed. You can embrace a neutral experience towards food, no matter how long you’ve struggled with unhelpful eating patterns.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What the body knows innately and intuitively.
  • What it means to truly embrace eating.
  • How to start eating freely again even if you’ve tried and failed before.
  • What happens when you fall into the cycle of yo-yo dieting.
  • Signs of innate health our body will do all on it’s own.
  • How people who struggle with food aren’t always addicted.
  • Why food is a neutral experience.
  • What your life could look like as a natural eater.
  • Why so many women struggle in their relationship with food.
  • Why comparing our body shape to fruit is silly.
  • Why it’s important to sit with our uncomfortable feelings about weight.
  • Alternative ways you can measure your health.
  • How your life might change if you embraced our body’s innate abilities.
  • Why having a fed body is crucial for attaining food freedom.
  • Why binging cannot be the answer for a fed body.