In this episode we’re joined by Kimberly Greene, a registered dietician with decades of experience working in the field of nutrition and helping people learn how to listen to their innate wisdom. Kimberly believes we have the power to learn what our bodies naturally need.

Pay close attention in this episode to how Kimberly provides food guidelines, not rules. She encourages people to lean into the feedback of their own body and understand that foods are not inherently bad or good. Listen in as we dive deep into why it’s time to dismiss fad diets and focus on sustained change.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Kimberly’s favorite food.
  • Why Kimberly believes her approach to food is less than traditional.
  • How food rules can do more harm than good.
  • How delivery of information plays a role in how the public views food.
  • The aspects of food that are important versus those that are not.
  • The basic nutrients that every human body needs.
  • Important nutrients that you can get from dairy and alternative sources.
  • Why it’s important to consider where you get your nutrition information from.
  • Why Kimberly says junk food is an important part of a healthy diet.
  • What to think about when you’re meal planning.
  • How food and nutrition has become way overcomplicated.
  • How long your meals should satiate you for.
  • What Kimberly says to people who say they can’t trust themselves or their body.
  • The difference between being satiated and full.
  • Why trying different things and being curious with food is important.
  • Kimberly’s suggestion for experiencing food.
  • Tips on listening to what your body wants and needs.
  • Why Kimberly says food is more than just macronutrients.

You can follow Kimberly on Instagram @homewithK.G