By age 13, I was carrying the weight of growing up in a broken household with an alcoholic mother, years of mental and physical abuse, and hearing “you’re too big for an Italian” so many times I believed it. 

As time went on, I looked for ways to numb my pain and loneliness. And while I was a successful “good girl” on paper, I had a painful secret: I weighed myself 7x a day, abused laxatives, binged, purged, and overexercised. Like you, my body became the battleground for waging war against my shame and guilt. 

So I know what it’s like to waste hours chasing negative thoughts down rabbit holes. To surround yourself with rules that trick you into feeling “safe” while stripping away any trust you had in yourself. To think if only you had more self-control, things would be different…

Listen to my full story and please reach out if you need support.

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