In this series of Eat Girl Eat, I am going to be joined by Diana, who has become a food freedom advocate. She is sharing her struggles with food with others who are experiencing the same challenges. Diana aims to help other women who are searching to find their purpose and identity.

These conversations are all about getting ready for the holidays. Wherever you are in your food journey, we hope that these conversations can help you through the holidays.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • About Diana and her food freedom advocacy.
  • Navigating the noise around the holidays.
  • What Maria’s food history surrounding December 21st looked like.
  • Dian’s turn to describe her food history on December 21st.
  • Dealing with the constant energy and expectations put on us during the holidays.
  • How anxiety of showing up can impact your food relationship.
  • How Diana dealt with the fear of judgment from her family.
  • The pressure of performing.
  • Learning what is truly important about others.
  • Overcoming the mechanical mind.
  • Diana’s story of noticing and nourishing her body.
  • Getting through the adjustment period that your body needs when you begin nourishing it properly.
  • Learning what your natural weight is and becoming comfortable in your body’s natural state.
  • What the discussions on the podcast over the next few weeks will look like.
  • Knowing and being comfortable with the fact that you don’t need to have the answer.
  • Learning what you do and don’t have control over in each moment.
  • Listening to what shows up naturally for you.
  • Connecting with others and yourself.