In this episode, I am continuing my series of conversations with food freedom advocate Diana. This series of conversations is about navigating the holiday season and our struggles with food. Last week, we talked about being present and living in the moment.

This week, we are discussing post-Christmas, what that means for us, and how to get over the obligation of how you are supposed to show up. There is always a fear of judgment from others around this time of year, and this episode’s discussion aims to help you navigate and negate that fear.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What does December 28th mean for Diana?
  • Getting caught up in your presentation and missing what matters the most.
  • People will forget what you say, but they will remember how you make them feel.
  • Learning not to miss the little moments.
  • Enjoying yourself so others can enjoy you.
  • How to stop striving for the approval of others.
  • Maria’s picture of December 28th.
  • Overcoming the mechanical mind.
  • Realizing that how you look isn’t why people love you.
  • How to deal with judgment from others.
  • Why there is no judgment that is a reflection of who you are at your core.
  • Understanding that others don’t necessarily mean you harm with what they say.
  • Forgiving the hamster wheel of other people’s minds.
  • Focusing on connecting with others.
  • Giving grace to others and yourself.
  • Going back to yourself and forgiving the mind of others.
  • Understanding that others are communicating in the moment.
  • Connection to self is what matters.