Rowan Kersley is speaking with us in this episode. She is a long-time friend and colleague whom I highly respect and admire as someone to look towards for healthy, normal eating. This conversation gave us the opportunity to dive into the mindset of someone who is able to sustain a healthy relationship with food overall despite the negative thoughts she’s had along the way.

This episode gives us the opportunity to pick the brain of someone who doesn’t believe they struggle greatly with food, their weight, or the way they look. That’s not to say Rowan’s never had those thoughts, because as she shares in this episode, she has been there. Yet, she’s navigated and explored this discomfort in her own way. Rowan reveals how she was able to be aware of her thinking without getting wrapped up in it.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What Rowan’s relationship with food has looked like throughout her life.
  • How this relationship has changed with age.
  • How Rowan frames weight gain post-pandemic.
  • Why tighter pants are not the biggest deal.
  • Ways to cultivate healthy habits around food.
  • What tends to happen when you place restrictions on food.
  • What the recent research says about an individual’s food thoughts.
  • How food mindfulness influences your thoughts.
  • What it means to take a bigger picture perspective on what you eat.
  • One thing Rowan will confess to about her eating.
  • How our struggles make us human and normal.
  • The advice Rowan would offer to anyone having negative thoughts around food.
  • Why you shouldn’t judge yourself so harshly for your thoughts.
  • How to incorporate enjoyment into your food experience.
  • How women are especially hard on themselves.
  • The takeaways from Rowan’s experiences.