What is that change you’ve been wanting to make but have been putting off?

Maybe you’ve wanted to break up with your scale, so you can finally have a good day regardless of what your “weight” measures.

Or maybe you were thinking of spending a little money on a new wardrobe, so you can feel more confident in your skin as it is today. 

Or perhaps you’ve wanted to purge your home of all the diet books and meal plans so that you can feel more peaceful and productive.

Whatever that change you’ve been considering making, here’s my advice:

Do it.


Right now.

Stop waiting — for other people’s approval, for it to be “the right time,” to lose weight or, for you to wake up one day and “feel ready…”

Because if you want to end your struggles with food, then you need to make decisions from a more peaceful place, and you need to make those decisions faster. 

In other words, you need to increase the velocity at which you respond to your intuition.

Too many of us wait too long to make self-serving decisions and end up talking ourselves out of whatever it is we need to do to reach our goals.

Instead of seeing an opportunity for growth and seizing it on sight, we hem and haw. Why wait six months, or two years, or five years, or 10. We ask everybody and their best friend for their opinion and stay frozen in place while waiting for somebody else to approve our decision.

But here’s the thing. Making decisions from a great place means trusting yourself. 

For example, when I started to gain FREEDOM from my struggles with food, I achieved FREEDOM by literally ditching every rule that I had ever been told or read.

How is that possible?

Because I believed that my body had my back, it functioned perfectly well before I started to manipulate it. Just because I didn’t like that I had ass and thighs didn’t mean that it wasn’t healthy, beautiful, and well.

I started investing in other people’s rules, beliefs, and quick fixes to change my big butt and thighs. At 90 lbs, they were still there, and I was a whole lot more confused and obsessed by all the “things” I needed to do. 

The day I stopped investing in other people’s rules, methods and strategies was the day I started investing in myself — and I trusted myself to deliver a return on that investment.

My return was FREEDOM.

This is the level of self-trust I want you to have.

If you know you can count on yourself to make good on your investment, then what are you waiting for?

The faster you get at making decisions aligned with your intuition, the faster your struggles with food dissipate.