It isn’t easy to take a step back and feel like you’re doing “nothing,” especially when you’re struggling in your relationship with food. But the truth is, doing nothing doesn’t mean you’re not trying—it simply means you’re not spending your energy on things you can’t control.

The best thing you can do when your thoughts overwhelm you and you feel like you’re in the midst of a storm is to drop an anchor. Hold that space. Practice acknowledging the storm without interacting with it. Take care of yourself and allow the storm to pass.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Why you don’t need to battle during an emotional storm.
  • Recent feedback from a client and how it influenced this episode.
  • The difference between doing nothing and doing nothing in the storm.
  • What dropping an anchor in the storm means and how it can help.
  • Why you don’t need to accept all your thinking as personal and true.
  • How engaging in your true self will help you weather the storm.
  • What reflecting on your own inner dialogue can do for you.
  • The best place to put your energy and focus in times of difficulty.
  • Why it’s important to acknowledge the storm even if you don’t react to it.
  • How needing to practice being with the storm only makes you human.
  • The importance of learning to ground in your own human experience.
  • Remembering we do things everyday despite resistance.
  • Homework on what to be curious about this week as you navigate your own storms.


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