Today we’re continuing our conversation that we began last week about shame. Practicing acceptance around difficult emotions like shame doesn’t mean you have to be okay with it or happy about it. Acceptance is just the experience of being with something without needing it to be different.

When you practice being present and accepting what is, unhelpful thoughts are bound to come up. Rather than fighting against them, just acknowledge where you are gently bringing yourself into the now.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • The recent talk Sarah gave and what it led her to reflect on.
  • How most people are conditioned to react to their emotions.
  • What happens when you accept change rather than resist it.
  • How to accelerate your journey to food freedom.
  • What the “restrict mind” has a tendency to do.
  • Signs you may be losing your connection to being in the now (and what to do about it).
  • The importance of approaching life experiences as if it’s the first time.
  • Why your struggles aren’t your fault.
  • How internal stories act as a distraction for the mind.
  • Why you don’t need to control or manage your weight.
  • What trusting you can get through the messiness looks like.
  • How letting go isn’t linear or pretty, and why that’s perfectly normal.
  • What to expect as part of your journey to food freedom.
  • Strategies for leaning into the learning process and finding what works for you.
  • What you think you need for food freedom and being curious about not needing it.


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