This episode is the third episode in a series about shame. The mind is programmed to enjoy starting something new—like a new diet or a new regime—which can get in the way of allowing us to just be. Our minds have a tendency to make managing weight more important than it actually is.

When we stop trying to manage our bodies, we make space for new thoughts and beliefs. The best place to start is by simply being curious about the thoughts you have. Allow a little more curiosity into your daily life, and the best you can do each day is good enough.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What inspired this series on shame.
  • What it’s tempting for the mind to do and how it gets in the way.
  • Knowing what’s helpful in the moment and how it can change.
  • How being curious about not managing your body can help.
  • Why you don’t need to hold onto what hasn’t served you.
  • How to make space for new thoughts and beliefs.
  • Why Maria and Sarah are flexible in their approaches.
  • The responsibility we as humans take on that’s not ours to own.
  • Why you don’t need to criticize yourself for having emotions.
  • Why our relationships with food and weight can’t be simplified.
  • How the journey to food freedom is confusing and why that’s okay.
  • When you’ll know what to do and when to do it.
  • How shame is created innocently and how to let it go.
  • Trusting your emotions will settle, even when they’re difficult.


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