Every once in a while, you’ll be reminded by some experience or event about what’s really important in life. This event may make you step back and realize that a lot of the struggles we have in our own lives aren’t as important as they sometimes feel. When we separate ourselves out, we remember we are a drop in the ocean.

This doesn’t mean our experiences aren’t significant, but it does soften the perspective on them somehow. Zooming out opens you up to truly connecting with others, building compassion, and seeing your own struggles differently. As your attention shifts, your thoughts and feelings will naturally shift too.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Why today’s subject is close to Maria’s heart.
  • What happens when we consider the broader concerns of humanity.
  • How zooming out helps you build compassion for others.
  • Why we feel like we need fixing (and why that’s not true).
  • How it’s in our design as humans to struggle sometimes.
  • The importance of connection in navigating struggle and why it matters.
  • What zooming out looks like and feels like in practice.
  • How being in the moment is actually a learned skill.
  • The difference between stepping back versus avoidance.
  • What happens with your emotions when you begin focusing on the now.
  • Common struggles with zooming out and tips that can help.
  • How shifting your attention welcomes a shift in experience organically.
  • The role observing plays in zooming out and why it takes intention and action.


Sarah’s website: www.wellofbeing.co.uk

Join the Food Freedom Formula: https://go.m-path.ca/foodfreedomformula